Though we may find ourselves physically apart, we are never separate.
The Enneagram
The Enneagram is a multi-layered symbol of transformation that provides a structure and a process for self-knowledge as well as a map to the greater unfolding of events in our world. It can help us find new ways of working with the challenging situations in life and open us up to insights for the complete development of us as human beings — mind, heart, body, and soul.
The Inspired Enneagram
“We have realized so many of the innate gifts the enneagram has to share with us.“
All of us here at the Inspired Enneagram are driven to help seekers interpret and begin to heal their own experiences using the enneagram, either through one-on-one consultations, retreats, seminars and/or workshops. Gurdjief, Naranjo and Ochs have shared their life work with all of us to start us on a path of awareness. Using the symbol of the enneagram,we can all learn to empower ourselves and each other through self-awareness and being present to what is in the world.
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