
Recently I attended a retreat day with a small Gurdjieff Movements group. This day of reflection focused on a lecture by John G. Bennett, a student of George Gurdjieff. 
In the lecture recap, Bennett spoke about “Intention” and the struggle we humans have with setting, understanding, and following through with actual Intention. He said we often mistake “making decisions” with actual Intention and to achieve our true Intentions, we may have to suffer and give something up, and, yes, we will actually have to make an effort. 

Bennett calls Intention, “the stretching of yourself to the fulfillment of a purpose”, and  unlike “decision making” that brings on a sense of dread and exhaustion, true Intention lifts you and inspires you. It moves you towards something that is deeply meaningful and invigorating.   

He describes how Intention is like a bow and arrow. If you have ever used a bow and arrow, you know that tension in your body as you pull back the arrow and hold it in place as you take aim and anticipate the release. There is tension IN Intention. I would say that a sense of anticipation always accompanies it.
After my retreat day, I am drawn to look at my own relationship to Intention.    I am realizing that Intension is connected to what we value and desire. It is easy to get lulled into thinking we are moving through life with Intention, but too often we are really just swept along by the inertia of our busyness.  
If we take the time to explore what we value and what our needs truly are, we will begin to brush up against something even greater, “Destiny”, which is the Universe’s intention for us. 
As the prairie winter slowly melts away, I ask myself what in my life right now is informed by a true Intension?  What things are important to me and are stretching me? What untruths will I have to let go of so that I can meet what is calling me forward? What new Intention is shaping my world?
Enjoy the longer days and the approaching buds, and as you do....ponder...What Intention have you set for yourself this spring?
P.S. If you would like to listen to the recording or read the article, I am including the links here:

INTENTION – J. G. BENNETT Recording 10 mins
INTENTION – J. G. BENNETT Extract 6 pages