Being and Being With...
If you have done work with the enneagram, you know that we have three centres of intelligence.
A Head Centre that is about knowing and not knowing
A Gut Centre that is about doing and not doing
A Heart Centre that is about being and being with
Today I have been pondering my heart centre (also known as our emotional centre). It is not only where our emotions live, but it is also the place where we form and experience relationships. Relationships with others and a relationship with ourselves. Both help us to grow and feel loved. The two are necessary for us to grow into complete human beings.
However, our culture has placed greater emphasis on the relationships to “other”. In our results-oriented culture our relationship to “other” is encouraged with applause. We call this “being with”
But what about “being”--the relationship with ourselves? Should we care for our “being”? What does that involve? Who has time for that? Are there measurable outcomes or benefits in caring for or getting to know myself?
“Without knowledge of self there is no knowledge of God.”
I like this simple line as it may be our gateway into our allowing of a relationship with ourselves. You see, we all come to this life as unique and independent beings. Each of us has been gifted with a special set of qualities. No one else has our unique configuration. NO ONE ELSE!
Each of us is here in the world, at this time, in this place because it was determined that our unique being has something the world needs. If I do not spend the time and energy nurturing my gifts, how will they ever serve the purpose they were created for?
By taking time to get to know ourselves we will see how amazing we are, and when we truly value ourselves, we can offer others the space to get to know themselves. You may call this presence or perhaps patience. I call it love.
So, as we move into a season of giving, I suspect there will be enough care to “be with” others, but will there be enough care given to your “being”? Remember both are necessary to fully experience that emotional centre we call the heart.
Dale Bially
Inspired Enneagram